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130107 China deepens reform of 1000 days: XI Jinping makes reform precision docking hearts(中国深化改革1000天:习近平让改革精准对接民心) 191 0
129186 The G20 Summit today, XI Jinping hosted a welcoming ceremony for opening ceremony(G20峰会今天召开,习近平将主持欢迎仪式开幕式等) 182 0
129183 Rare original videos! Look how XI Jinping greeted Putin’s photo?(罕见原声视频!看习近平怎么招呼普京合影?) 171 0
128013 Hangzhou, XI Jinping will attend and preside over the G20 Summit(习近平即将出席并主持G20杭州峰会) 232 0
126258 XI Jinping: South Sea Islands have been Chinese territory(习近平:南海诸岛自古以来就是中国领土) 242 0
126035 XI Jinping, on the issue of the South China Sea have what do?(习近平关于南海问题有何论述?) 230 0
125434 Kim Jong-UN to XI Jinping exchanged congratulatory messages: willing to work with China to develop friendship(金正恩向习近平致贺电:愿与中国发展友谊) 265 0
125005 XI Jinping, with Russia President Vladimir Putin hold talks(习近平同俄罗斯总统普京举行会谈) 237 0
125004 XI Jinping, the “five-point proposal“ drawn “on the“ blueprint for the development of new, _ news(习近平“五点建议”绘就“上合”发展新蓝图,_新闻资讯) 228 0
125003 XI Jinping holds talks with Putin, the two sides signed more than more than 30 cooperation agreements(习近平与普京举行会谈,双方签署30多项合作文件) 254 0
124904 XI Jinping, meeting with Russia President Vladimir Putin(习近平会见俄罗斯总统普京) 235 0
124802 XI Jinping meets Pakistani President Saddam Hussein(习近平会见巴基斯坦总统侯赛因) 224 0
124501 XI Jinping to attend Poland welcome dinner President Duda(习近平出席波兰总统杜达举行的欢迎晚宴) 262 0
124295 XI Jinping visits Serbia and Poland is the speed all the way along journey _ news(习近平访问塞尔维亚和波兰是一带一路提速之旅,_新闻资讯) 239 0
124294 XI Jinping visited Serbia _ ten highlights news(习近平出访塞尔维亚十大亮点_新闻资讯) 260 0
124293 XI Jinping arrived in Warsaw for Poland visit(习近平抵达华沙开始对波兰进行国事访问) 242 0
124292 XI Jinping arrived in Poland begins State visit Poland warplanes launch escorts(习近平抵达波兰开始国事访问,波兰战机升空护航) 254 0
124182 Which warplanes were XI Jinping Jet escort?(哪些战机曾为习近平专机护航?) 352 0
123994 XI Jinping, Poland signed articles published in the media _ news(习近平在波兰媒体发表署名文章_新闻资讯) 235 0
123993 XI Jinping, pay martyrs of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade at the expense(习近平凭吊中国驻南联盟使馆被炸事件牺牲烈士) 271 0
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